Catharine Cooper
Create Solutions
I’m oftentimes told by friends, that they feel impotent in the face of such overwhelming problems with the sea and the environment. That their personal small steps, i.e., don’t use …
Winter Surf
I wriggle quickly into my wetsuit, cold air saps the warmth from my body. I pull on booties, lower the wetsuit bottoms over my now neoprene covered feet, add wax to my longboard, and sit to analyze the swell.
Is Your Sunscreen Killing Coral Reefs?
Is your sunscreen killing coral reefs? The likely answer, unless you are already sunscreen- reef savvy, is yes. After decades of research to develop the most effective sunscreens, it turns …
Building a Blue Print for Coastal Community Conservation
Imagine … a cadre of youth educated and dedicated to protecting and nurturing their environment and sharing that knowledge with family and friends … Imagine … a group of …