Conserving Habitats
Plastic in the Ocean
Plastic, the most common form of persistent marine debris, is one of the most pressing issues in marine ecosystems.
We at The Ocean Foundation have a long-standing relationship with the municipality of Loreto in Baja California Sur, Mexico.
Seagrasses are flowering plants that grow in shallow waters along the coasts of every continent except Antarctica. Seagrasses provide critical ecosystem services and are a reliable source for carbon sequestration.
Blue Carbon
Blue carbon is the carbon dioxide captured by the world’s ocean and coastal ecosystems, stored in the form of biomass and sediments from mangroves, tidal marshes and seagrass meadows.
Sargasso Sea
The health of the Sargasso Sea provides a foundation for economic activities outside of the area. Species of economic interest, such as eel, billfish, whales and turtles rely on the Sargasso Sea.
Deep Seabed Mining
Deep seabed mining (DSM) is a potential commercial industry attempting to mine mineral deposits from the seafloor, in the hopes of extracting commercially valuable minerals. However, this mining is posed to destroy a thriving and interconnected ecosystem that hosts a staggering array of biodiversity.
Ocean Acidification
The ocean absorbs a significant portion of our carbon dioxide emissions, which is changing the chemistry of the ocean at an unprecedented rate in a process known as ocean acidification.
Ocean and Climate Change
As concerns about climate change increase, the interrelationship between the ocean and climate change must be recognized, understood, and incorporated into governmental policies.