Translating urgency into technology
By Mark J. Spalding, President, The Ocean Foundation On 25 September 2014 I attended a Wendy Schmidt Ocean Health X-Prize event at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) in …
Southern California Marine Mammal Workshop
By Mark J. Spalding, President, The Ocean Foundation The room was alive with greetings and chatter as the participants gather for the first session. We were in the conference facility …
The Ocean Solution
By Richard Salas With the decline of the big-fish species in the last 50-60 years our ocean’s food web is out of balance, which spells trouble for us all. The ocean …
How Ocean Philanthropy Can Turn the Tide
By Catharine Cooper and Mark Spalding, President, The Ocean Foundation A version of this blog originally appeared on National Geographic’s Ocean Views It’s hard to imagine anyone who has not …
In Conservation We Trust
By: Ben Scheelk, Program Associate, The Ocean Foundation In July 2014, Ben Scheelk of The Ocean Foundation, spent two weeks in Costa Rica volunteering on a trip coordinated by SEE …
Ocean Acidification from Domestic to International
By Mark J. Spalding, President, The Ocean Foundation A version of this blog originally appeared on National Geographic’s Ocean Views The other week was bookended by talking about ocean acidification. …
Attempt to Down List Manatees
There is an attempt to “down list” manatees from endangered to threatened. We encourage you to send the attached one-page “comment” letter as provided to the US Fish & Wildlife …
A Wake-Up Call in Alaska’s Waters
Co-authors: Jeremy T. Mathis, Ph.D., Oceanographer, NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, Seattle and Steve Colt, Ph.D., Professor of Economics, University of Alaska Anchorage This editorial is drawn from a study …
Swept up in a Turtle-nado
By Ben Scheelk, Program Associate, The Ocean Foundation Volunteering with SEE Turtles in Costa Rica – Part II If only there was a turtle week. Granted, sea turtles may not …
Looking Back: Blue Learning and Green Living
By: Alexandra Kirby, Communications Intern, The Ocean Foundation When I left for Shoals Marine Laboratory on June 29th, 2014, I did not know what I was getting myself into. I …
The Complicated Relationship Between Shark Conservationists And ‘Shark Week’
Sonja Fordham, the president and founder of Shark Advocates International in Washington, D.C., said she shares Shiffman’s concerns about the focus on sharks as ruthless people-eating machines. “Obviously the threat …
A Wake-Up Call in Alaska’s Waters
OPINION: As ocean acidification emerges, it will affect Alaskans already at risk and coastal economies the most. The time to plan is now. A new study shows, for the first …