The Ocean Foundation’s Strategic Value to U.S. National Interests
Introduction On January 22, 2025, Secretary of State Rubio issued a press statement on the “priorities and mission of the Second Trump Administration’s Department of State.” In it, he said, …
Nature’s Shield: Lessons from the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami
Reflecting on the importance of restoring coastal ecosystems on the 20th anniversary of the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami.
Three Threats, Three Books
The Ocean Foundation has a new project that aims to bring awareness about the threats of bottom trawling, potentially polluting wrecks (PPWs) and deep seabed mining (DSM) to Underwater Cultural …
A Turning Tide in the July 2024 International Seabed Authority Negotiations
The 29th Session of the International Seabed Authority (ISA) continued this month in Kingston, Jamaica, with Council and Assembly meetings. The Ocean Foundation’s Deep Sea Mining lead, Bobbi-Jo Dobush, and …
Please Don’t Let Them Go
It seems at once hopeful and dramatic: Dozens, even hundreds of brightly colored balloons released by the celebrants and their guests, drifting off into the sky. But it is not …
Potentially Polluting Wrecks: First Steps Towards Remediation
Our Ocean Heritage is expansive. It includes physical objects on the seafloor like shipwrecks and submerged coastal settlements, and also non-physical connections to the sea, including Indigenous and local customs …
AI and Improving the Blue Economy
The ocean covers more than 70% of the Earth. It regulates the climate, absorbs greenhouse gas emissions, and generates oxygen on which all life depends. The ocean economy has always …
Invest in Ocean Health, Not Deep Seabed Mining
Advocates for deep seabed mining (DSM) claim it promises a gilded, sustainable future chock full of electric vehicles, but at what cost? Between breakthroughs in new battery technology, technical risks, …
2024 Teach For the Ocean Educators Summit
Teach For The Ocean’s inaugural Educators Summit was held June 4, 2024 at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. In total, over 80 educators from all backgrounds in Washington, …
Local2030: Community of Practice Gathering 2024
The Local2030 Islands Network convened people from around the world in Hawai’i for the 2024 Community of Practice Gathering. The Ocean Foundation (TOF) is proud to serve as the steward …
Passing the Keys: Ocean Acidification Monitoring in the Pacific Islands
Wrapping up seven years of ocean acidification monitoring and capacity building in the Pacific Islands. A community’s ability to monitor and understand the ocean is directly tied to that community’s …
Earth Is the Blue Planet
Celebrate Earth Day with us by honoring the reason why Earth is called the blue planet — the ocean! Covering 71 percent of our planet, the ocean feeds millions of …