Madeline Warner
Three Threats, Three Books
The Ocean Foundation has a new project that aims to bring awareness about the threats of bottom trawling, potentially polluting wrecks (PPWs) and deep seabed mining (DSM) to Underwater Cultural …
A Turning Tide in the July 2024 International Seabed Authority Negotiations
The 29th Session of the International Seabed Authority (ISA) continued this month in Kingston, Jamaica, with Council and Assembly meetings. The Ocean Foundation’s Deep Sea Mining lead, Bobbi-Jo Dobush, and …
Underwater Cultural Heritage at the International Seabed Authority (ISA)
The Ocean Foundation (TOF) has been involved with the conversation on Underwater Cultural Heritage (UCH) at the International Seabed Authority (ISA) since the beginning — TOF’s expertise on physical UCH …
Potentially Polluting Wrecks: First Steps Towards Remediation
Our Ocean Heritage is expansive. It includes physical objects on the seafloor like shipwrecks and submerged coastal settlements, and also non-physical connections to the sea, including Indigenous and local customs …
Dive into Underwater Cultural Heritage
What is Underwater Cultural Heritage? UNESCO defines underwater cultural heritage (UCH) as all traces of human existence of a cultural, historical or archaeological nature which, for at least 100 years, …
Invest in Ocean Health, Not Deep Seabed Mining
Advocates for deep seabed mining (DSM) claim it promises a gilded, sustainable future chock full of electric vehicles, but at what cost? Between breakthroughs in new battery technology, technical risks, …
Bridging Past and Present: Underwater Cultural Heritage at the 2024 UN Ocean Decade Conference
The Ocean Foundation was thrilled to participate in the 2024 United Nations Ocean Decade conference in Barcelona, Spain. The conference brought together scientists, policymakers, youth, Indigenous people, and local communities …
Is it loud enough yet? Protests, Indigenous Voices, and the Business Case for DSM at the March 2024 ISA Meetings
The Ocean Foundation’s Deep Seabed Mining (DSM) team is happy to have participated again in meetings of the International Seabed Authority (ISA) in Kingston, Jamaica. Negotiations continue, and despite ongoing cooperation, the regulations are still far from being completed, with divergent views on fundamental concepts blocking consensus on key issues.
No-Mining November: The Ocean Foundation’s ISA Council Check-In
The International Seabed Authority’s third set of meetings held in Kingston, Jamaica wrapped up last week with little fanfare and fewer decisions. The Ocean Foundation participated in the meetings for the third time this year, continuing to speak with delegates on our key goals.
Don’t Shade the Ocean
We need sound legal tools to address side effects from climate geoengineering projects that could endanger the marine environment. These unwanted impacts include the ability of the seas to produce food and oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide and excess heat.
Our Mission to Defend The Deep
The Ocean Foundation was on the ground of the 28th meeting of the International Seabed Authority in July 2023 for all three weeks to raise our topline messages on finance and liability, underwater cultural heritage, transparency, and stakeholder engagement.
The 8th Wonder of the World: Mining’s Threat to our Underwater Cultural Heritage
With 80% of the seabed unmapped, Deep Seabed Mining poses a wide array of threats to Underwater Cultural Heritage in the ocean.