What Does the Ocean Mean to You? Spoiler Alert: There is No Right Answer
Asking the question: “What does the ocean mean to you?” to scientists, students and businesses.
The 8th Wonder of the World: Mining’s Threat to our Underwater Cultural Heritage
With 80% of the seabed unmapped, Deep Seabed Mining poses a wide array of threats to Underwater Cultural Heritage in the ocean.
Pacific Islands Application to Receive a GOA-ON in a Box Kit
Applicants can receive the low-cost, high-quality ocean acidification measurement kit; hands-on training in Fiji; and research support.
Human and Coral Resilience Go Hand in Hand
Our BRI team hosted a workshop in Cuba from June 15-16 to advance our Caribbean resilience efforts.
Climate Geoengineering and Our Ocean: Considering Ethics, Equity, and Justice
The technical and ethical uncertainties around climate geoengineering are numerous in both carbon dioxide removal and solar radiation modification
Planetary Sunscreen: Solar Radiation Modification
Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) is a form of climate geoengineering that aims to increase the amount of sunlight reflected back into space – to reverse the warming of the planet.
Trapped in the Big Blue: Ocean Carbon Dioxide Removal
Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) is a form of climate geoengineering that seeks to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Endless Unknowns: Climate Geoengineering
The planet is getting closer to exceeding the global climate target. Because of this, there has been an increased focus on climate geoengineering.
Announcing the 2023 Boyd Lyon Scholar
This year’s 2023 Boyd Lyon Sea Turtle Fund’s winner was Robert Gammariello.
The Risks and Liabilities of Deep Seabed Mining (DSM)
These reports were drafted by The Ocean Foundation’s DSM lead, Bobbi-Jo Dobush, and program manager Madeline Warner. They provide an introduction to considerations relevant to countries sponsoring deep seabed mining …
Your TOF Debrief on the March International Seabed Authority Meetings
We’re sharing key moments from the meetings on DSM, including Underwater Cultural Heritage updates, the “what-if” discussion, and a check-in on TOF’s goals.
Tell Us Your Favorite Ocean Memories
Recently, we asked our staff at The Ocean Foundation to tell us their favorite memories of the water, ocean, and coasts — and why they are working to make the ocean better for all life on earth. Now it’s your turn.