
Artwork overview of CDR options: Figure © Rita Erven/GEOMAR. See Boettcher et al. 2021. Front. Clim. 3:664456. (CC BY)

Climate Sealutions Initiative

Our Mission: To evaluate and advance ocean-related climate solutions through strategic research, innovative communications, and actionable roadmaps for all interested parties, enabling an intelligent transition to a safe, prosperous, and …

Friends of Geo Blue Planet

The GEO Blue Planet Initiative is the coastal and ocean arm of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) that aims to ensure the sustained development and use of ocean and …

Friends of Por el Mar

An independent marine conservation organization driven by a team of scientists, conservationists, activists, communicators and policy experts that converge for the protection and restoration of the ocean.

Friends of Bello Mundo

Friends of Bello Mundo is a collective of environmental experts who perform advocacy work to advance global conservation objectives to realize a healthier ocean and healthier Planet. 

Climate Strong Islands Network

The Climate Strong Islands Network (CSIN) is a locally-led network of U.S. Island entities that work across sectors and geographies in the continental U.S. and the nation’s states and territories located in the Caribbean and Pacific.

An image of a sawfish.

Friends of Sawfish Conservation Society

The Sawfish Conservation Society (SCS) was established as a not-for-profit in 2018 to connect the world to advance global sawfish education, research, and conservation. The SCS was founded on the …